Dec. 4, 2020

EP 5: The story behind the song | California Divorce

What is your favorite breakup song?

In this SONGBIRD "behind the song" episode, we talk about divorce and other major life events - how they shape us, how we navigate them and somehow move on. "California Divorce" is at the center of this conversation, track five from Heaven Get Behind Me.

We listen to the demo version as well as the final mastered version of the track


California Divorce

In came the goldfish

In the black, black mud

You’re standing in the doorway

In your blue dress


Ain’t gonna be no California divorce

I had a child

I had a son


There go Tiny Lazarus

In a black, black hearse

Way past the freeway

Just shovels and dirt


Ain’t gonna be no California divorce

Ain’t gonna be no California divorce

I had a child

I had a son


BETH ORTON/Trailer Park


JONATHAN KEHEW/Songbike Youtube Channel